Polished concrete & Floor Hardener
Polished cement floor and hard floor
Floor hard polished floor system
Floor Hardener
There are two types of polished floor systems: polished floors that are done while the concrete is not yet dry. Also known as floor hard (Floor Hardener) and another type is The polished floor is done after the concrete has set. and cured successfully We will talk about the two types of polished cement floor as follows.
Floor Hardener
This kind of polished floor The material is powdery. There are a variety of colors to choose from such as green, grey, red, natural colours. The polished mortar is sprinkled with floor hard powder on 100% fresh concrete with approximately 80% curing time. will use a copter type sander Sanding on unset surfaces By sanding on the sprinkled mortar by sanding in either direction. polished at the same rate The rate of use of floor hard mortar depends on the strength of the designed surface. The more polished mortar is used, the stronger the cement floor will be. Florhard mortar powder usage rates range from 3-7 kg/m2. Florhard mortar powder can be used at the same rate per 1 sq m. of floor area, polished and left to the concrete. set And completely dry for about 24 hours, then curing the concrete with concrete curing agent. or the agreed method of curing concrete
Surface characteristics of floor hardener polished mortar
will look smooth There are colors according to the choice of floor hard plaster. The skin is matte no luster Can be used as a surface that is resistant to abrasion. Hardness of floor hard polished plaster The polished mortar has a hardness based on the MOH test of approximately 8-9.
maintenance and the use of floor hardener polished mortar
Cleaning can be done with regular cleaners. Do not use alkaline or highly acidic solution. Maintain the same surface as concrete surface. can coat the wax on the polished surface and can be scrubbed with a scrubber If cracks are found on the cement surface, repair by means of structural repair.
Polishing concrete floor system
The polished floor is made after the concrete has set and cured (Polished Concrete).
How to install polished cement floor after concrete has set and cured. How to polish concrete to make it smooth and beautiful. This will be done after the concrete has dried for 28 days. The concrete must be age. and power as designed Polishing the concrete to a shiny surface will use a high quality polishing machine Abrasive blades can be replaced. Abrasive blades are available in various sizes. Starting from coarse polishing, fine polishing, high polishing The installation method for this type of polished floor starts from 1-2 times of coarse sanding, 1-2 fine polishing and 1-2 high polishing times. It will eat the surface about 4-10 mm. according to the number of polishing trips. Examination of the skin will be very oily. or less depending on the trip in the scrub and the number of abrasive blades used in polishing
Polished Concrete Floor Characteristics
This type of polished cement floor has no color to choose from. will have the same color as the concrete The skin will be shiny. completely smooth have enough fluidity Can be polished until the stone surface in the concrete can be seen
Maintenance of polished concrete floors
To maintain this type of polished cement floor as well as floor hardener polished cement floor.
The cost or budget for installing polished cement floors
Floor hardener polished cement floor costs approximately 150-250 baht/square meter.
Polished Concrete floor costs approximately 400-700 baht/square meter.
The advantages of polished floors
Advantages for polished floor housing
Cost savings in covering material installation The abrasive is a relatively low covering material. if compared to other types
Save on maintenance costs for polished floors. There is relatively little maintenance cost. long service life which compares to other types of covering materials
The polished floor can be cleaned easily.
Polished floors are available in a variety of colors.
Benefits of polished floors for commercial spaces
save cost
Withstands walking for crowds which does not require coating or the cost of waxing
Polished floors are easy to care for. Just clean it with a mop.
moisture resistant Polished floors will allow the moisture beneath the concrete to evaporate.
polished reflective floor This is a very important part for commercial areas. and help reduce costs
Does the polished floor have a slippery effect?
The surface is polished, if you look at the surface, it will be glossy and completely smooth, which will be understood that it is a rather slippery area. But in reality, polished floors are less slippery than stone floors. To prevent slipping in commercial areas Should remove water stains oil stains on a regular basis Areas where there is a risk of slipping, such as ramps, or where there are areas for children, the surface must be treated with anti-slip liquid. Which will have coarse sand granules to prevent slipping